Mindblowing: a blog about perception

  • Actors in the “Economics” play

    In the play named “Economics,” five roles are ascribed, each contributing to the dynamics of the performance: The underlying premise of this framework is to elucidate diverse economic systems by orchestrating these roles. It’s noteworthy that any single economic participant can undertake multiple roles concurrently, thereby enhancing the intricacy of their involvement.

  • The Theater 🎭- On Stage-

    Life can be likened to an unfolding play, where individuals continually take on distinct roles. These roles encompass a range of identities and responsibilities, each offering its own unique perspective and potential for growth. Recognizing these roles offers a lens through which we can assess our current circumstances. We can evaluate our satisfaction with our…

  • Story about one self: Identity

    The concept of who you are is a narrative that you construct about yourself. Narratives are flexible, and thus, your sense of self can also transform. As you begin to recount alternative narratives to yourself, your self-perception adjusts accordingly.

  • Toys (relations)

    Embrace the mentality of a child – when you find yourself growing tired of playing with particular toys, swap them out for new ones that reignite your sense of “Excitement.” The toys of the past have fulfilled their roles in your life. It’s now time to release them and let them find purpose with someone…

  • The sorcerer in you

    You are under your own spell. You are captivated by your own enchantment. Therefore, if you desire different situations, you merely need to adjust the incantations you use. Just like a sorcerer who crafts spells to shape their reality, you hold the power to influence your circumstances through the stories you tell yourself. By altering…

  • The name of the Game: Free Will.

    The name of the Game: Free Will.

    The game is about experiencing Free Will, and it’s call Life. Life can be seen as a grand stage for the exploration of Free Will, where every choice and action shapes the unique narrative of each individual. This existence serves as a captivating game, offering the freedom to navigate through a plethora of possibilities and…

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